Page 13 (1/2)

Fiddlehead Cherie Priest 29450K 2023-08-31

Reptilian sprang to ht He had no idea what color the eyes of any given reptile were

But he took her hand, because it’d go well beyond the casual appearance of rudeness to refuse, and gave it a perfunctory kiss before saying, "I’m sorry, I’ve been an ass" Someone in the back of the roo expensive, but Grant didn’t care, so he continued "But there is a protocol to this sort of thing Isn’t there, Fowler?"

With a fixed, unpleasant smile, Fowler replied, "Protocols were made to be tested, and occasionally revised"

"If you say so But what occasion do we have tonight?" Behind his that were halfwaySpeak up andsaid it, that was his philosophy Not that he strictly disagreed with the rooeneral timbre, or its complaint that it would not do to have a lady present for such proceedings He just didn’t care for cowards, that was all

But Desh gravitas and aploht we learn hoe’re going to end the war"

"Once and for all?" asked Efall, a man from someplace small and unreat fortune

Fowler said peevishly, "Yes, once and for all Or else why even take a stab at it? Ito end the war--and,to win it--with the help of Miss Haymes and her re, except that Des syllable, so he provided it And he followed it up with, "I see," for suddenly he did see--they were talking about Desram This was the woman who’d done the dirty work Or she’d done some portion of the dirty work, that was for da that wasn’t dirty

It had taken Grant entirely too long to figure this out about his Secretary of State If he’d only paid attention sooner, heabout this man … a brilliant man, of course, and no one would say otherwise But he was not a

Friends close Eneht--and very nearly said aloud--that he ought to keep Fowler in a box under his bed for safekeeping Only a gliency brake in tie

He shook his head, which only made the room wobble By the time it settled, Desmond Fowler had led Katharine Hay decorously with a fancy beaded bag in her lap and her legs crossed at the ankle, offering a peek at a pair of boots that ht’ve cost more than a horse

"So this is where you tell us about your prograot the s frorand announceh to dampen the room’s uncomfortable murmur When surprised silence was achieved, he added, "Because I sure as hell didn’t sign off on this"

Fowler stood up straighter and placed a hand on Katharine’s shoulder Grant couldn’t shake the impression that he didn’t th--and it unnerved hih place in his head to sort out precisely why

"Mr President," the Secretary of State began, with a defensive note in his voice "Allocation of funds occurs at your discretion, yes--in this instance, at any rate But I believed in Miss Hayram, and I was able to strike a deal that wouldn’t dip into the Union’s coffers"

Grant pulled up a chair It was a big, heavy chair, and he hly across the knotted rug, which he found perversely satisfying He dropped hi both Desaze that demanded answers, even if he was afraid to hear theood, you’ll hardly have to sell it I’m sure we’ll all be on board the very minute the explanation leaves your mouth"

The rooiances, ealed around the scene, lurking at the sideboard and the liquor cabinet, or ht, unhappy circle

Fowler didn’t waver or find a chair of his own Katharine patted his hand, and then she answered for hiI am well aware that , but I want to assure you all that war is the matter at hand I am here to offer you the keys to victory"