Page 21 (1/2)
"We almost lost you," Tuppence said "Baby, you were in very bad shape Feverish, and seeing things that weren’t there, and talking to people eren’t around All kinds of crazy languages Dhang couldn’t understand you, and neither could I And Dhang and I couldn’t understand each other, either, whichI tried to teach hilish, but it didn’t take very well The only words he knows are the kind that get you thrown out of places Did you teach hiry, baby? There’s souess it’ll be done in aa hole and build the fire on top of the fish, and you have them all wrapped up in leaves-"
"I know It’s his one recipe" I sat up and looked around at the two of them and the fire and, a few yards off to the side, the river Our boat was beached on the bank
"How long was I like that? A couple of hours?"
"Oh, "
"What’s the matter?"
"Would you believe three days, baby?"
"Frankly, no Was I-"
"Three days If we cut out of Tao Dan on Monday, then this is Thursday afternoon Except that I sort of lost track of the days in Tao Dan, so it could be anything But it’s been three days We just went on floating down the river all the tiot a little water into you now and then but no food Feed a cold and starve a fever, or is it the other way around? But whatever it was, you were in no kind of condition to eat anything"
"How did you and Dhang e, mostly Tell you the truth, I was pretty useless , but he took care of the hard part, like pulling up on shore for the night andto eat We took turns staying up with you You don’t remember any of it?"
"Bits and pieces" I drew a breath I was suddenly ravenous and I turned to Dhang, who had beena respectful silence "About that fish," I said in Khmer
"It will be ready soon, Heaven"
"Your soul left your body and soared through the open reaches of the universe, Evan But the woman and I waited for your soul to return, and froood She washed your head ater and helped me with your hair"
"My hair?"
He lowered his eyes "It is gone, Evan"
I put– I was as bald as a newly laid egg I looked at Tuppence, as trying bravely not to giggle I said, "What the hell?"
"It fell out in handfuls," she said "Must have been the fever You looked pretty patchy there for a while You would lose so of a sight"
"I can i said you helped hi about?"
"I’athered up all the hair as soon as it fell out, and at night we burned it in the fire Very bloody tribal"
"What for?"
"I don’t know He was very tense about it, and I figured likeIt seenificance, but either he couldn’t explain it or I couldn’t follow him He seemed to feel that I owed h which ht, so I didn’t argue
"It’s just as well," I said "My hair never did look very Oriental I must look pretty unusual"
"When Yul Brynner does it, it looks pretty sexy"
"I suppose it’ll grow back in eventually Do I look as sexy as Yul Brynner?"
She raised her eyebrows "You better look in the mirror"