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Over the years she’d trained herself to use her rare skill, but she avoided using it unless absolutely necessary
Not only was there danger of accidentally slipping into another diinable But she had night trapped in the , Laylah abruptly darted behind a stalagmite as the scent of vampire filled the air
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty," a low voice called
Laylah shifted to catch a gliht of his filthy jeans and bare chest His long blond hair hung in tangled cluaunt face isted with an expression of malevolent anticipation
Most vampires used their unearthly beauty to lure their victio downhill
Really, could an occasional dip in a hot bath be that hard?
She swore as he continued forward, clearly aware she was cowering behind the stalagmite
She didn’t want to hurt anyone Hell, she would give anything to find a place where she could hide aith her child in absolute peace
Yeah, as if such a place actually existed
Grimly she stepped toward the center of the cavern, her hands held out in warning
"Stay back or I’ll hurt you"
The va an intimate survey of her body "Do you proather her sorely depleted poishing she could instead absorb the energy of her surroundings As a Jinn she was a creature of nature She should be able to manipulate the powers of the earth Unfortunately she’d never been able to tap into anything other than her own inner powers
Still, it was a potent force
She shuddered, her blood heating and bubbling as the spiritual essence flowed through her
Gods It was so beautiful Beautiful and terrifying and oh, so seductively addictive
A pity she never knehat the hell was going to happen when she loosened her restraints
"I , the va his crotch "What are you? You sain"
The vas bared Laylah didn’t hesitate Lifting her hand she released a burst of power, her eyes narrowing as a blinding jolt of lightning streaked through the air, barelythe shocked va behind his back to pull a handgun froonna pay for that"
She prepared to strike again, only to be halted when Tane abruptly returned to the cave,speed to put himself between Laylah and the infuriated vamp
"Why don’t you play with someone your own size?"
"Charon" The unknown va Laylah as he eyed Tane with a weird triumph Just as if he’d won the lottery
Could vaht
"Have we met?" Tane drawled
"You killedsmile touched Tane’s lips "And you decided to track htful"
The deun pointed at Tane’s head "I ca hunt It’s been alet your stench" He shuddered, his pale eyes shi with a fanatical fire "It’s haunted me"
"I’m afraid I can’t return the creepy obsession" With slow steps Tanethe vampire away froive a shit"
Laylah frowned Why was Tane risking hirel who he intended to see exterminated? And why had the other va afor Styx ritted
"There are soer in invitation "Are we going to fight or do you intend to bore ht," the vaun
Laylah sed a screaed in Tane’s arm before he had crashed into the srasp The pistol went sailing toward the back of the cave and Tane’s dagger sliced deep into his opponent’s chest
Blood flowed freely as the dee
Laylah hovered at the edge of the carnage, mesmerized by the battle between the two lethal predators
Tane was obviously the superior fighter Not only did he have the size advantage, but his frigid power spilled through the air with enough force to ony if he were directing it at her
But the smaller vamp had an utter lack of sanity in his favor