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Adahter that eased Bran’s ire "It’s not that She’s gru helpless I had to leave last week on business By the tiot back, the vampire had to come take care of her because she’d driven everyone else off I don’t have to listen when she tells me to leave her alone, but everyone else does"
Pleased at the thought of Mercy ordering around a bunch of olves, Bran settled back in his chair
"Bran? Are you all right?"
"Don’t worry," Bran said "I’ll get David Christiansen to do it The FBI will just have to wait a week or so until he gets back fro," Adam said "’Volatile’ is not a word I’d normally apply to you - but you aren’t yourself today Are you all right?"
Bran pinched his nose He should just keep it to himself But Ada that would do would be to uilty
Adam knew all the players and he was an Alpha; he’d understand without Bran having to explain everything
Adam listened without comment - except a snort when he heard how neatly Asil had turned the tables on Bran
"You need to keep Asil around," he said "The rest of theaain to keep you sharp"
"Yes," said Bran "And the rest?"
"You have to back off on the death sentences," Adam said with certainty "I heard about Minnesota Three wolves took out a pedophile stalking a third grader with a rope in his hand and a stun gun in his pocket"
Bran growled "I wouldn’t have objected except they got carried away and then left his half-eaten body to be discovered the next day before they told their Alpha what happened If they’d just snapped his neck, I could have let it go" He pinched his nose again "As it is, the coroner is speculating all over the papers"
"If you backed off, Charles wouldn’t have to go out and kill so often, because you wouldn’t have soto take care of discipline"
"I can’t," Bran said tiredly "Have you seen the new coered species hearings are beginning next month If they classify us as ani hunted"