Page 30 (1/2)
Franks hands e with BBB in hts dim
I step up to the microphone stand
The crowd hushes
I see PJ and Donna s up at me
I hold BBB up over my head
People cheer
"Noe have to pay the vet bill"
The crowd laughs, but I’ht"
I scan the crowd Packed house
"Ladies and gentle Backed by tonight’s house band--The Hard-Working Brothers--singing the old-time classic ‘Makin’ Whoopee,’ the best two ive it up for Albert Linder and Eddie Thompson, better known as The Red Coats!"
The curtain rises, and The Red Coats start snapping their old fingers
The Hard-Working Brothers start playing the old-ti "Makin’ Whoopee" in this good but corny old-tien bottle and all, Old Man Linder doesn’t really sing, but in a speaking voice sorta echoes Old Man Tho Brothers are a pretty good band too
Froe, I look out into the audience and I see so
Cool, I think
After The Red Coats finish their number, the crowd claps, and I announce various other acts--so and play instruments, some do dance routines, the kid in thetennis balls, which gets Prince Tony out of his seat PT tries to stop the juggling act, but gets booed so badly that he eventually allows the kid to finish
When I announce the Mackin’ Mathee and Franks throws a couple dozen or so cheap calculators into the audience "Ladies and gentleht," Franks says
"Yes," Ricky says into his ht a calculator can ask Ricky to multiply any number and he will do it in his head in less than five seconds--providing you with the correct answer You are welcoh I assure you this will not be necessary"
"Yes," Ricky says, standing center stage in his tuxedo
Franks hops off the stage and walks the cordless ular-looking dude raises his hand and says soentleman wants to knohat is one-hundred fifty-seven tihty-one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-seven Yes"
"Is he right, sir?" Franks asks
The man punches the nu ao up in the air
"One thousand, two hundred sixty-eight times one-two-nine-six-oh, Ricky"
"Sixteen million, four hundred and thirty-three thousand, two hundred and eighty"
"Five times nine," some little kid wants to know
"Forty-five," Ricky says "Forty-five"
"Sixty-five times three-hundred thirteen thousand, one-hundred thirty-one"
"Twenty million, three-hundred and fifty-three thousand, five-hundred and fifteen"
"Five hundred and sixty-eight point thirteen tiuy wants to know, throwing decimals at Ricky
"Three hundred and twenty-two thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven point seventeen"
Ricky does several more math problems in his head--each time the difficulty is raised--and he answers all of the questions correctly, before he says, "Ricky Roberts is hungry," and then walks offstage
The crowd claps for Ricky, and Donna looks so proud in the first row
There are a fewacts before I make this announceood friends Chad and Jared Fox, perfor My Way Back to You’ accoh School cheerleaders!"
Chad, Das Boot, Jared, and The Hard-Working Brothers take the stage
My boys look good in their tuxedos, although Jared looks like he is about to crap his pants
The Hard-Working Brothers’ dru and the bassist plays some funky notes
In this really affected put-on voice, fro to get back his wo and sorta ht fro tea cartwheels--their skirts flying up and down
It is the strangest thing I have ever seen
As Jared and Chad sing, the cheerleaders do all sorts of acrobatics--throwing girls up into the air, building hu jacks with poet up and dance
My boys are a hit!