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"BLUE!" roared Maura "I’M NOT SHOUTING AGAIN!"

"What do you think I should do about it?" Blue asked

As Blue had, Persephone ran her fingers over the varying grains of the papers She realized Persephone was right; if the journal had been hers, she would’ve just copied down the infor The frag but unnecessary; whoever put that journal together must love the hunt itself, the process of research The aesthetic properties of the journal couldn’t be accidental; it was an acadeht find out whose journal it is"

Blue’s shoulders sagged It was a relentlessly proper answer, and one that she ht have expected from Maura or Calla Of course she knew she had to return it to its rightful owner But then where would the fun of it go?

Persephone added, "Then I think you’d better find out if it’s true, don’t you?"

Chapter 12


The first time that Gansey had come to pick up Adahborhood Actually, more properly, he’d used it as a place to turn around and head back the way he’d coh a field -- even driveas too lofty a word for it -- and it was ile house, much less a collection of theone even lionby sweater, Ada on all cylinders For weeks after that, Ronan had called Gansey "the SRF," where the S stood for Soft, the R stood for Rich, and the F for so else

Now Adam just met Gansey where the asphalt ended

But there was no one waiting by the clustered herd of mailboxes now It was just empty space, and a lot of it This part of the valley was endlessly flat in comparison to the other side of Henrietta, and sorees drier and more colorless than the rest of the valley, like both the ht in the , there were no shadows anywhere in the world

Peering down the desiccated drive, Gansey tried the house phone, but it hteen minutes to ine threw the car to and fro as the Pig idled He watched the gearshift knob rattle His feet were roasting fro to stink of gasoline

He called Mon like he’d been woken

"Noah," Gansey said loudly, to be heard over the engine Noah had let him leave his journal behind at Nino’s after all, and its absence was surprisingly unsettling "Do you re he had work after school today?"

On the days that Adam had work, he often rode his bike in so that he’d have it to get to places later

Noah grunted to the negative

Sixteen minutes until class

"Call me if he calls," Gansey said

"I won’t be here," Noah replied "I’ up and unsuccessfully tried the house again Ada, but he didn’t really have tiate

He could cut class

Gansey tossed the phone onto the passenger seat "Come on, Ada school -- and he’d attended lionby Academy was his father’s favorite, which meant it was the ue Or the Senate It also meant, however, that it was the most difficult school Gansey had ever been to Before Henrietta, he’d made his search for Glendower his primary activity, and school had been a distant second Gansey was clever enough and he was good at studying if nothing else, so it hadn’t been a problem to skip classes or push holionby, there were no failing grades If you dropped below a B average, you were out on your ass And Dick Gansey II had let his son know that if he couldn’t hack it in a private school, Gansey was cut out of the will

He’d said it nicely, though, over a plate of fettuccine

Gansey couldn’t cut class Not afterschool the day before That hat it came down to Fourteen minutes to

He felt the old fear creeping slowly out of his lungs

Don’t panic You rong about Ronan last night You have to stop this Death isn’t as close as you think

Dispirited, Gansey tried the hoo Adam must’ve taken his bike, he otten to tell hihborhood was still e his pal wheel and headed for the school

Gansey didn’t get a chance to see if Adalionby until third period, when they both had Latin This was, inexplicably, the only class Ronan never missed Ronan was head of class in Latin He studied joylessly but relentlessly, as if his life depended on it Directly behind hilionby’s star pupil, otherwise at the top of every class that he took Like Ronan, Adam studied relentlessly, because his future life did depend on it

For his part, Gansey preferred French He told Helen there was very little purpose to a language that couldn’t be used to translate a menu, but really, French was just easier for hined hi Latin in order to translate historical texts for Glendower research, but Ronan’s proficiency at the language robbed Gansey’s study of any urgency

Latin was held in Borden House, a slionby ca As Gansey strode hurriedly across the center green, Ronan appeared, knocking Gansey’s arm His eyes looked like he hadn’t slept in days