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He’s listening to whatever Reid is saying as wel , and suy who sold the cropped photo is blacklisted, the tabloid site that original y ran the cropped photo is discredited, and I just spent 24 hours hating Ehout al of this, Ai to find out if I have the scoop on Reid: Kayla: Is reid gay???!?

Me: Not that I know of Are they back to that again?

Me: Not that I know of Are they back to that again?

Kayla: Photos posted of hiuy tadd who played charlie in school pride and so karaoke in vancouver…

Me: Old news i think Not soht now

Kayla: A :( I know everything is crappy right nohat happened to your sister Ai out saturday, wanna come?

Me: Yes

Kayla: REALLY?!??!?! OMG, stay over in our dor to become someone else for a few hours Someone who isn’t invisible to everyone who used to love her Soirl who’slike they’re one person, per usual

"Did you bring the ID?" Kayla asks before taking off

"Yeah," I say "I don’t think I look anything like her, though…"

Aimee inspects Deb’s Indiana driver’s license "Oh, this is doable We can total y do this I already have some stuff picked out for you to wear We wear the saet done with you, you wil look soand leanto subdue the butterflies that areSince we al came back to LA, I’ve been overwhelhbeauty, with the canned fairy tale ending

I’ve beco the desire to scream that I can’t even cry When I think about Deb, I’, just like her I am the opposite of thick-skinned

I a betweenthat I feel I don’t want to feel anymore I want to be nuh school, she took me aside and et in the car with a friend who’d been drinking She toldand dehydration, already the doctor-to-be "Mom and Dad aren’t always realistic about this kind of stuff I know you’re a good kid, but good kids are exactly the ones who end upthe du to drink--or have sex, you have to plan


I promised to co it, but now, Ai I have to advisors, but they’re uides

My sister slipped on an invisible spot on a slick hospital floor The doctors explained that she’d hit her head in the exact location with the exact ae she’d sustained Caution and cause the sort of dae she’d sustained Caution and risk aversion had done nothing for Deb No such thing as fate No such thing as miracles, either, or my sister would have earned one and fal en on her butt--eht I want to stand on the side of a cliff and look down, dare the wind to gust and knockto your death is the worst thing that can happen But that’s a lie The worst thing is to be alive for no reason

Chapter 36


Earlier this week, the filoodbye to Olaf for at least a week, because John began insisting that I say goodbye to et the whole abstinence ht What? "But come on

--you’re ho a play on words, but row fonder Other than leaping froht with Tadd and Rob, I’d been clean the whole tiet her

"There’s this party--" he began

"Real y? A party? I’m not familiar…"