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Rainie heard herself whispering the rules
The slow slide of a deep voice --and instead she overdid it, didn’t she?"
She got another kiss So light that her thoughts floated again
Sweet Miss Lily She could almost smell the elderly woman’s lavender, feel her soft wrinkled cheek "She loved me" Rainie’s lips curved up as she soaked in the memory
Question A question hovered in her "
Question "Geoffrey’s family didn’t likeinto her like sharp claws She pulled in a breath, blinking
Her world changed, calasses, Jake leaned down to her His eyes were sharper than lasers The forehead strap kept her fro away from his hard face "Abandoned by your parents, attacked in foster care, criticized by your mentor, duot screwed up"
Herher ure you have to make yourself over in order to be loved?"
He couldn’t understand "I do," she whispered "I have to be sether and polished and--"
"Jesus Sweetheart, you’re not expected to change yourself" He cupped his hands on each side of her face "You’re supposed to find someone who likes you as you are" His jaas so tense he had trouble speaking "The rest is just…polish…like you said, but not who you really are, Rainie"
Not who she was?
"It’s like clothes--so, friends like you no matter what you wear The man who loves you will adore you without any polish…or clothes"
She stared at him
His lips curved "As it happens, I love you naked"
A second later, he stepped back
And wax splashed on her stoain Over and over The heat flared along her skin and through her, growing, blosso, until she floated away in a cloud of sensation
Jake stopped to survey his work Rainie’s body was covered in a light sweat, and the wax glowed in the dungeon lights
He felt as if he’d been dragged behind a truck for a few ress they’d made Fuck, she’d had a hell of a childhood Everyone had let her down In a way, he’d been part of her trauh his system
She’d seen him at Jennifer’s party
He’d have been near twenty-one, just starting to explore BDSM with hisHell, if only he’d ret bit at hied to avoid the heartbreak and trauma, would she be the same woman?
All her friends and even his clinic clients poured out their life stories…because she listened without judging Because coly that anyone who knew her could feel it
He had to think destiny had set Rainie’s feet on her path And, being the aher than anyone could i about what she’d been through rowl Even her beloved mentor had messed with her head With the best of intentions, Miss Lily had tried to redesign a brilliant spirit rather than teaching her the difference between internal and external appearances
He sighed One scene wouldn’t address those insecurities of hers They’d have to come back to this often If fact, he should talk her into soh his hair, he decided to sign himself up for a bit of therapy too Dah himself
Heather’d been quite clear "If you’d said you neededme would upset your life, I’d never have been able to leave" He wouldn’t make the sa, look at ain Good She had no defenses to keep his request, his plea, fro in deep She’d hear him true "Rainie, I love you, just the way you are Please don’t leave me"
"Jake," she whispered Her hazel eyes started to clear, to focus on his face "Wh-what?"
"I need you, sweetheart Stay here With me" If he could, he’d relocate with her, but he and Saxon owned the clinic together
"Need me?" Rainie’s brow puckered "No"
His jaw claood for you Hurt your future When I’m more Better--"
He had to blink away the tears Jesus, he’d been an idiot Not good for hi I need in a woe"