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Chapter 1
Being thrown out of a tree wasn't my idea of fun
Granted, countless nestlings all over the world went through this every year, but they only had to do it once, and for the
I wasn't a nestling, and I wasn't built to die Not easily, anyway I was dha seed somehow created life in the ho raped and then killed hi
Being pushed fros But God, it could still hurt
I ned to fly, andtrouble with thea bird
Not that I particularly wanted to be a bird And particularly not the type of bird I could now becoull? A rat of the sea? Why that? Why not sole? So with useful weapons like talons and a hooked beak built for tearing?
But no Fate had thrown ht now
Of course, I probably could beco in ull would probably allow me to take other forms, but I wasn't about to risk it The other half-breeds who'd been injected with ARC1-23 had changed into so many different forain, and that wasn't a proble to face Especially not when I'd already felt that ull shape, when the ic that allowed me to shift shape had seemed to hesitate, as if it couldn't remember my human form
That had terrified me
So,to stick with it, practice its forrained into my psyche as the wolf and the woman
Maybe then I would play with other shapes
"Riley, you cannot stay on the ground forever," a deep voice ru to fly is a ht"
Iunpleasant under my breath and rolled ontofor the heat of a nice, deep bath Though even a bath wouldn't doto collect