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"The other Asha’man can do that", Androl said "We don’t have to"

"What?" Canler said, scowling "You’re going to disobey?"

"No", Androl said "He said this is for men who didn’t have any other orders We do Back at the start of the battle he told us to watch for Tai about them"

"I’m not sure he re his chin "And I don’t know that if he did remember, he’d want us to follow it now He seeave us the order nonetheless", Androl said

"Androl", Canler said, sitting on his heels, "I feel so tired, I could hardly gather the strength to curse you if I wanted None of these lads look any better, and you struggle to open a s to stand up to Mishraile and the others?"

Androl frowned, but had no argu occurred to Pevara A way, perhaps, to acco while exhausted

Androl perked up, and his eyes widened, and then he grinned "You’re a genius, Pevara"

"Thank you", she said prientle to destroy those dragons We’re going to give the of a surprise"

What a hedien kicked Demandred’s corpse It had been abandoned, the Sharans having gone to fight Cauthon’s are their leader

Demandred The fool had let hirudges, or if you let yourself be entangled with the worms you worked withwell, Demandred had earned his reward Death, and likely eternal punishment at the Great Lord’s hands

Now that Demandred was indeed dead, she reached for the One Power--and found so river ten times as powerful, ten ti fallen, the Great Lord had opened himself to her Survival was truly the best way to prove oneself to hied her plans dramatically First, she burned Demandred’s corpse to powder Then she quickly wove the Mask of Mirrors--oh, hoeet the True Poas!--and replaced her fore of Demandred’s She always made certain she could imitate the other Chosen Deed so much recently, but she had paid close attention No one touching her would be fooled; she would be careful

Disguise in place, she Traveled to the back lines of the Sharan ar Cauthon’s troops Here were the reserve units, waiting to move forward, as well as supply carts and so supplies to look at her Gaping They had been preparing to flee the battlefield itself They were aware, as was everyone, that the huge Seanchan arht She noticed that there were a handful of Ayyad in this group--only three, she could see Torimy male channeler who squatted at their feet Most of the others had been killed in the con