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Another arrow fell, dropping a Trolloc Then another fell, and another, in quick succession Mandarb crashed through the confused, burning and dying Trollocs as an entire rain of burning arrows dropped in front of hi corpses but ht dropped before hi a Trolloc that tried to stand before hi Trollocs, fla his way in the darkness like a roadway The Trollocs stood thick on either side, but those in front of him dropped and dropped until there were nothe eastern slope of the Heights, alone now, past the soldiers, past the Shadon He was one with the breeze that streah his hair, one with the sinewy aniet that was his destination, his fate

Demandred stood at the sound of the hoofbeats, his Sharan co in front of him

With a roar, Lan heeled Mandarb into the Sharans that blocked his path The stallion leaped, front legs driving the guards before hiround Mandarb wheeled around, his haunches knocking downdown on yet others

Lan threw hiainst channeling, and so to fight from horseback would be to invite Deround at a run, sword out

"Another one?" De to--"

He cut off as Lan reached hi himself into Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind, a tempestuous, offensive sword for the blow on his weapon and skidding backward a step at the force of it They exchanged three blows, quick as cracks of lightning, Lan still in ht De, and a blood sprayed into the air

Demandred felt at the wound in his cheek, and his eyes opened wider "Who are you!" Demandred asked

"I am the man ill kill you"

Min looked up froateway back to the battlefield at Merrilor She hoped it would withstand the battle frenzy when they got there Bonfires and torches shone in the distance, fireflies illu scenes of valor and deterhts flicker, the last euished

Rand trembled, distant, far to the north

The Pattern spun around Rand, forcing hi with tears He saw the people struggle He saw them fall He saw Elayne, captive and alone, a Dreadlord preparing to rip their children from her womb He saw Rhuarc, his mind forfeit, now a pawn of one of the Forsaken

He saw Mat, desperate, facing down horrible odds

He saw Lan riding to his death

De at him The Dark One’s pressure continued to tear at him