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Egwene thrashed, but other weaves grabbed her and hauled her into the air The knife dropped froht appeared nearby, a soft blue aura, much dimmer than that of a lantern It had been created by a woman with dark skin and very refined features Delicate A small nose, a slender frawene found her to be quite tall, nearly as tall as a erous little rabbit", the wo her difficult to understand She e places, and pronounced many sounds in a just-off way She had the tattoos on her face, like delicate branches, reaching from the back of her neck forward onto her cheeks She also wore one of those dresses shaped like a cow’s bell, black, with strands of white tied a handspan below the neck
The wowene’s knife had nearly taken her "Yes", the woerous Few of the Ayyad would reach for a dagger so quickly, rather than for the Source You have been trained well"
Egwene struggled in her bonds It was no use They were tight Her heart began racing, but she was better than that Panic would not save her She forced herself to be calht No, panic won’t save mebut it may alert Gawyn She could sense that he orried, out there somewhere in the darkness With effort, she allowed her terror to rise She let go of all of her careful Aes Sedai training It was not nearly as easy as she had expected
"You move quietly, little rabbit", the Sharan wowene "I would never have been able to follow you if I hadn’t already known you werecurious "You watched the Wyld’s little show all the way through, did you? Brave Or stupid"
Egwene shut her eyes and focused on her terror Her sheer panic She had to bring Gawyn to her She reached within, and opened the tight little nugget of eain by the Seanchan
She could feel it The a’dam on her neck The name Tuli A name for a pet
Egwene had been younger then, but no ain She would be nothing She would have her very self stripped away She would rather be dead Oh, Light! Why couldn’t she have died?
She’d sworn she’d never be captured like this again She began to breathe quickly, now unable to control her terror
"No", the Sharan said She seewene couldn’t completely tell "It won’t be that bad noill it? I have to decide Which will gainyou forcame suddenly froone The Sharan glanced that way, but didn’t see He was very worried Herquickly enough, and he was farther away than she’d expected What rong? Now that she’d let her worry out of its hidden place, it overwhelainst her, a series of blows
"Your man" the Sharan said "You have one of theain? Odd, that you should rely on the protection of a man, but you never reach your potential in this land, I awene had feared Light! She’d led Gawyn to this She’d led the arwene squeezed her eyes shut She’d led the White Tower to its destruction
Her parents would be slaughtered The Two Rivers would burn
She should have been stronger
She should have been smarter