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She did not reply She waited as the search proceeded, and made no ain "Highest One, there is no sign of the thing in the gardens, but one of my men has found blood on the wall I suspect the assassin fled into the city"
"He is unlikely to try again tonight", Tuon said, "while we are alerted Do not spread news of this to the couards Infor effective, and that ill need to consider a new one"
"Yes, Eain
"For now", Tuon said, "clear out and secure the peri time with my consort, who has requested that I ‘make him feel loved’ "
"That’s not exactly--" Mat said as the members of the Deathwatch Guard faded into the darkness
Tuon studied Mat for a ht!" Mat said "Youto sit on your knee", Tuon said, pulling one arh I ht, you have saved e It--"
She cut off as Mat grabbed her and kissed her She was tense with surprise In the bloody garden, he thought With soldiers standing all about, ithin earshot Well, if she expected Matri
He released her lips froainst his, and he was pleased to find her breathless
"I won’t be your toy", Mat said sternly "I won’t have it, Tuon If you intend it to be that way, I will leave Mark me Sometimes, I do play the fool With Tylin, I did for sure I won’t have that with you"
She reached up and touched his face, surprisingly tender "I would not have said the words I did if I had found in you only a toy Aan eye is no toy anyway You have known battle; everyone who sees you noill know that They will not mistake you for a fool, and I have no use for a toy I shall have a prince instead"
"And do you lovethe words out
"An empress does not love", she said "I am sorry I am with you because the o the Seanchan an heir"
Mat had a sinking feeling
"However", Tuon said "Perhaps I can aduess I can take that For now
He kissed her again
A Silence Like Screa
Loial, son of Arent son of Halan, had secretly alanted to be hasty
Humans fascinated him, of that he h he could not be certain It amazed him what humans didn’t hear Loial could speak to them all day, then find that they had heard only part Did they think that so for others to listen?
Loial listened when they spoke Every word out of their htning A flash, an explosion, power and energy Then gon