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He’d found it when he’d coh the fear Shadows be burned} He seized saidin again, the Power flooding hi eye-to-eye with Coteren

The larger man smiled and seized the One Power as well Mezar joined him, and in theto hi back and forth Canler seized saidin and looked resigned

Everything Androl could hold--all of the One Power he could muster--flooded into him It was minuscule compared to the others He was the weakest e o of it, then?" Coteren asked softly "I asked them to leave you, because I knew you’d try it eventually I wanted the satisfaction, pageboy Co to do the one thing he could do, for beyond weaves It was just hi instinctive

Trying toto scraernails to give hi happened He felt so close: if he could just push a little harder, he could

The shadows lengthened The panic rose in hiritted, Androl reached to his collar and ripped the pin free He dropped it on the floorboards before Coteren with a clink Nobody in the roo his shame under a mountain of determination, he released the One Power and pushed past Mezar into the night Nalaam, Canler and Pevara folloith anxious steps

The rain washed over Androl He felt the loss of that pin as he ht have felt the loss of a hand

"Androl" Nalaah muddy puddles on the unpaved street "It doesn’t ht", Nalaam said "Some of the lads in there would have supported us; they’re not all in his pocket Once, Father and I, we fought down six Darkhounds--Light upon rave, we did If we survived that, we can deal with a few Asha’htered", Androl said


"We’d have been slaughtered!" Androl said "We don’t let them pick the battlefield, Nalaa up to Androl on the other side

"They have Logain", Androl said "They wouldn’tdies--our rebellion, our chances at a unified Black Tower--if we lose hi to rescue hiht"

Rand worked by the soft, steady light of a saidin globe Before Dragon this kind of co it hadit had revolted hied Saidin was part of hier, now that the taint was gone More i of it--and of hiht whenever he could He intended to go to Flinn to learn Healing He had little skill in it, but a little skill could save the life of someone wounded All too often, Rand had used this wonder--this gift--only to destroy or kill Was it any wonder that people looked upon hiuess I could ask hiht idly as he made a notation to hiet used to the idea of Ta there, just one camp over Rand had dined with him earlier It had been aard, but nohis father frohed about it, which had made him feel much better