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This tih, but Graendal heard The wolare that could have set a section of the ocean afla e to stroke the cour’souvra Bring what you will, Graendal, she thought We are on level footing now We shall see who ends this race ahead

A stronger wind blew past, and ripples started to rise around theh the platform itself remained secure Moridin let his fire die out, and nearby, waves rose Moghedien could make out bodies, little more than dark shadows, inside those waves Soled for the surface, their chains re always towed theain

"We are fe", Moridin said "We four, and the one who is punished most, are all that reest"

Soht One of us was slain by al’Thor, Moridin, and required the Great Lord’s hand to return him Why had Moridin never been punished for his failure? Well, it was best not to look too long for fairness in the Great Lord’s hand

"Still, we are too few" Moridin waved a hand, and a stone doorway appeared on the side of the platforateway, just a door This was Moridin’s dreamshard; he could control it The door opened, and a h it and out onto the platform

Dark-haired, the man had the features of a Saldaean--a nose that was faintly hooked, eyes that tilted He was handsonized hi male Aes Sedai? I know this man, Mazri--"

"That name has been discarded", Moridin said "Just as each of us, upon being Chosen, discarded ere and the names men called us From this moment on, this man shall be known only as M’Hael One of the Chosen"

"Chosen?" Hessalam seemed to choke on the word "This child? He--" She cut off

It was not their place to debate if one was Chosen They could argue a the the Great Lordthat was not allowed Ever

Hessalam said no more Moridin would not dare call this man Chosen if the Great Lord had not decided it There was no arguhedien shivered Tai as the rest of thenoranceIt galled her to consider that this M’Hael would be regarded as her equal

"I see the challenge in your eyes", Moridin said, looking at the three of the it M’Hael has earned his reward Too many of our number threw themselves into contests with al’Thor when he was presumed to be weak M’Hael instead earned Lews Therin’s trust, then took charge of the training of his weapons He has been raising a new generation of Dreadlords to the Shadow’s cause What do the three of you have to show for your work since being released?"

"You will know the fruits I have harvested, Moridin", Demandred said, voice low "You will know them in bushels and droves Just remember my requirement: I face al’Thor on the field of battle His blood is mine, and no one else’s" He met each of their eyes in turn, then finally those of M’Hael There seemed to be a familiarity to them The two had met before

You will have coht He wants al’Thor nearly aslately Once, he wouldn’t have cared who killed Lews Therin--so long as thethe deed hihedien", Moridin said "Demandred has plans for the war to come You are to assist hiet yourself so quickly, Moghedien?" Moridin’s voice was silky "You will do as you are told De over one of the arle word of complaint, and you will realize that the pain you have known up to now is but a shadow of true agony"