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It would seeht And if it still didn't seeh, he could always reenlist
Some forty-five minutes out of Cleveland Have train trips He offered me one but I passed I would have liked one, but then I would have liked a pint of Early Tioes Havemeyer sed his Valium and put his seat back and closed his eyes, and that was the last I heard from him for the next five or six hours
I'd picked up a paperback at Newark before they called ht, and I'd never even opened it en route to Cleveland I got it fro now and then to put the book down on hts Train travel lends itself to that sort of thing
Sometime before dawn I closed ht outside and ere pulling into Rochester I slipped off to the diner for a cup of coffee Haveot back
He woke up not long after that and we got some breakfast and returned to our seats He stayed awake the rest of the way but still see azine, and when he'd exhausted its possibilities I gave hiiven up on
Around noon, shortly after we left Albany, I made a phone call You could do that, they had a phone you could use, just running your credit card through a slot I called the Sixth Precinct and et Harris Conley I told him I was onof Byron Leopold I didn't even have to remind him who Byron Leopold was, but then it's a name that sticks in your mind
He said, "What did you do, arrest hial status of that"
"He's with ot a full confession on tape I'ot it, along with the gun he used"
"That's pretty a," he said He offered to have the train ent of cops, but I didn't think that was necessary Haveht he'd beat the precinct Besides, I'd pro as possible
I wanted to second-guess ht rain falling and it had the usual effect ofone pulled up to discharge a passenger and we grabbed it and headed don
I didn't have to stick around too long at the Sixth I turned over the gun (which, unwrapped, turned out to be a38 revolver, with live rounds in three of its six cha with the tape of Havemeyer's confession I answered a battery of questions, then dictated a statelad I was around when you called," Conley toldabout I don't suppose I have to tell you eren't exactly pushing this one"
"That's no surprise"
"Triage," he said "You put in your ti And the ones where there's a lot of heat from up top"
"That's how it's always been"
"And alill be, would be uess Point is, this wasn't a front-burner case, not after the first seventy-two hours And the whole city's so nuts today, especially the department, it's a wonder I remember my own name, let alone yours and Byron Leopold's"
"Why is the city so nuts?"
"You don't know? Where the hell did you spend the past twelve hours?"
"On a train"