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&039;I&039;m home, always home&039;

Copper stands rock-solid, squints at the noise from across the street

As usual, the cops didn&039;t show until long after the action was over

Copper squints and spits over the railing

&039;If you need a statement, you knohere to finda statement, sir&039;

Copper&039;s eyes shift doard, to the young policeman&039;s face It&039;s the first time he&039;s made eye contact with the kid

The policeman is a kid - hell, even I can tell he&039;s barely out of the acade out, three houses away

&039;No questions, nothin&039; at all?&039;

Copper spits again, looks fro, to the

&039;This is the sixth house they&039;ve gutted in this neighborhood &039;

&039;Yes, sir, we appreciate your calling it in&039;

&039;I seen it all and I called it in - twenty-six hours ago&039;

Copper lets that one stand He tilts his head, cocking his neck, staring the policeoddamned one of &039;em&039;

I can see the white of the cop&039;s scalp when he looks away frolare

The kid clears his throat and looks down, as if there were so of importance in his hand He already closed his notebook What can there be to look at? He doesn&039;t even have calluses to gander at

&039;City just doesn&039;t care, does it?&039;

The kid&039;s crew cut is too close, like a fresh leareen, the type that needs a weekly tri a cop, to

&039;But coht at my door&039;

Of course they send hiot one question, officer&039;

&039;What&039;s that, Mr Cyrus?&039;

&039;What&039;re you going to do when they come after my house?&039;

If there is a reply, he doesn&039;t stay long enough to hear it

The screen door slaps closed without a whisper fro door on his watch

It doesn&039;t matter The cop is on his heel and away, too His polished shoes are too ss are sharp as a paper cut

He shakes his head andI can&039;t make out, and his cop cronies make soh at Copper&039;s expense

Anything to clear the air of the old nore the truth of it, pretend it wasn&039;t said or heard or didn&039;t matter

I lay low and watch the old man&039;s porch

I drea, and cold, and pain and cold

I drea in half

I wake up on the bare cement floor in the basement of the Baker house

No pain

No cold

I hear Fetusaround upstairs

I stand up Go to the

Still have to tell myself I&039;m home


My ho hdad every day Da water

I look past the row of shells

Every house on this street is abandoned but one

It&039;s the sahborhood of shells

Windows boarded up, sheets of plywood over doorways, broken panes, sagging clapboards, chipping paint, ragged shingles

All but one

I see Copper across the way and up the street, sitting on his porch

Copper sits on his rocker on his porch

I re to do

&039;So what you want from me?&039;

Copper sits on his rocker on his porch, still as a stump One spot- flecked hand over his other wrist

It&039;s an odd position, and he changes hands to cup the opposite wrist, if you are with hih to notice

Copper later tells me that&039;s how the cold hits hiet cold, a deep cold that starts slow before it bites to the ers &039;Started when I was in myis, it&039;s same as when I was in Korea Same cold, as if I&039;d never left it Like it followed me here&039;

But that is later

Today, he sits with one hand over t&039;other, over the wrist, and gazes at me with those milky blue eyes of his

&039;You&039;re here all the ti watch&039;

He turns his head and spits without taking his hand off that wrist Over the rail it goes, a shirass

&039;Yep, I&039;m home, always ho to start a neighborhood watch&039;

His eyes don&039;t so ht, white, top and bottom

&039;Keep an eye on one another&039;s houses, watch out for one another,&039; I offer

&039;I&039;er over the rail, into the perfect green grass, soaze with me

&039;Always ho in the air

We let it hang a while, let it slide to quiet and seep in, like his spit on the blade of grass below is hanging then seeping, though I can&039;t say for sure it is or does, as I&039; Copper

Copper doesn&039;t move a notch, and he won&039;t

Up to , to break the silence

&039;Since you keep an eye out, it seeer, over the rail

Though his milky blues don&039;t soif I break the stare to track his lunger, to see if it&039;s green as the green-green St Patty&039;s Day grass

Copper&039;s lawn is perfect, always perfect, the only cut and green lawn on the block, and Copper&039;s lungers won&039;t change that a whit His eyes stay icy, but I can tell he&039;s a bit amused by all this

What they say, clear as crystal, is what he won&039;t say

&039;-you knoatch out for one another&039;

He says it later, just to clear the air

Later, e get to know one another a bit, e are in the base for T

Later, when he tells me about how the cold sunk its choppers into his wrists, about Korea, about &039;Nam before it was &039;Naone, about his calico cat Hank before T took Hank down into the cellar and did the deed, before all that shit hit all those fans

He says later what his eyes say now loud and clear, and I hear just fine He says it later just to s

What do I need you for? What do I need you to watch out for me or mine for? What could you possibly offer me that I don&039;t already do or have done or was or am or will be?

I&039;m home, always home

Later, he says all that

Not now, not on the porch

Not today

He says, &039;I remember you, kid&039;

I look at him

&039;You lived over on Spruce and Jaiving up nothing

&039;I remember you&039;

Copper sits on his rocker

We just stay like this for a long, long time

From now to now, then to now

That&039;s when I know Copper&039;s ourjust fine

It&039;s Fetus who suggests I pay the visit, take in the old man&039;s mettle

It&039;s Stout who says fuck that, who needs Copper

Stout grew up around the block from Copper and his wife Becca

Stout left for boot camp before the cancer took her I left a week after

Stout and I were in Baghdad together Good times Bad ti too heavy, got to shoot back

Then Thunderdoht for months at FOB Shield Weird Mayberry in the shit

Stout took fire; RPG in the pipeline between Kuwait and Iraq HMMWV limped aith Stout in it

Stout lost an arm, part of his chest, but all that&039;s left works Home he went

Found him here, back home

Stout says fuck Copper

Stout has no use for the old ht in the basement

Stout wouldn&039;t brook any ill word about the old lady

Becca babysat for hi

He speaks of it, once, only once

That I remember

Stout&039;s smile bares his black broken teeth

It&039;s an occasion whenever Stout smiles

I remember

Stout says the army promised him dental That was before

The army didn&039;t take care of dental or much else The US Army took Stout and took him and his and all he ever was and never was, all he ever had and all he ever ht have been but wasn&039;t and will never be

The US Army took him and left Stout to Stout and left Stout to us

Stout says fuck that, who needs the US Army?

Stout says fuck Copper, who needs the old man?

Still, it&039;s Fetus and ht, that we need him

There&039;s T

T drives by Copper&039;s house

I see T drive by Copper&039;s house

T doesn&039;t turn to look at Copper

Copper doesn&039;t look at T

T drives toward the Baker digs

T looks at the Baker house

T glares at the Baker house

I watch T drive away

I sit in the basement at the Baker house

I like it here in the base all the s

It was dark, except for what light caht

The Baker basehts I used to strap to my head, but otherwise it&039;s the same

No electricity Dark Sleep all day

Try to rened up

I remember Trapper - T - I remember T

I remember T when they took his brother away

I remember T after that T said the cops took him and his and all he ever was and never was, all he ever had and all he ever ht have been but wasn&039;t and will never be I rerinned atup, and I remember the look on the recruiter&039;s face

Word is T never went over to the shit

Word is T was shipped right back here

Word is T got into some shit, and was kept fro anyone, anytime, with any record Miller tells s, two arot into some shit, they booted him before he saw sand

So T made like the Shia did over there - stripped and hauled anything worth anything away

Makes the neighborhood look like Baghdad East

Word is T has utted the neighborhood

Shell by shell, T took all it was and sold it

That&039;s before I got back, before Fetus came back

Fetus took three AK-47 rounds three hundred meters from the Alamo; he shouldn&039;t have made it

He made it

Came back home

I re French Gauloises, cheap tobacco the locals smoked over there

I remember Fetus before the war took his and him and all he ever was and never was, all he ever had and all he ever ht have been but wasn&039;t and will never be

I don&039;t remeet up

I look out the basement , across the street, across the way

Copper is sitting in his rocker on his porch

Copper is looking my way

I don&039;t remember

Before the shit

I don&039;t re is Copper has no sense of s of catshit on Copper&039;s door one Halloween and it was the neighbor who called it in: the old lady ay and Copper didn&039;t s, and that makes a difference

Meant we can, if we are careful, pick and choose our approach pattern

I went point, and took it a day at a tiht hand is over his left wrist, and he watches me

&039;Your first car was a beat-up Chevy Impala&039;

I don&039;t remember

&039;You rolled it out on Route Four&039;

I don&039;t reht wrist, cupping it

&039;Your ht&039;

I don&039;t remember

&039;I reood thing is Copper knows this burb like nobody else

He knows it all, including the backstory of every empty house

Copper remembers

I don&039;t remember

Word is Copper knows the trials and tribs of every occupied house and as where and here and lived it and snuffed it

I don&039;t remember Once, I knew some of it, but no more

Stout remembers

Fetus remembers

Word is that Copper and Becca settled here after Korea

Word is that young Copper had been in just about every one of these houses, those left standing

Word is that Copper and Becca had been in and out of these doors, on and off these front and back porches, and grilled and drank and spat in these backyards for longer than I&039;ve been on this ed Copper had done some handiwork in just about every house within six blocks, at one time or another

Word is that old man Copper has kept watch every day of his life, especially since Becca was planted

Old man Copper watches me now

I wave

Old man Copper watches and doesn&039;t move

I sit

Old man Copper sits

What Copper built, T takes

House by house, shell by shell

What Copper knew, T sells

T takes it all

T and his creork fast, under cover of night

In through a cellar , case the joint

T goes in Always T

T cases his own shells

T through the , in and out, rally the boys and clean it out, fast

Tally, score

The amateurs start with the laundry rooet them out

T has it down to a science

Tools, not by hand


Out with the pluas fixtures - hot-water cylinder, the copper pipes, the spouting, the puas line when needed; whatever

One house blew and burned on Orvis Street; not T&039;s worry

That is the aht be more to take

Easy yield of three to five hundred or ravy


House by house, street by street, block by block, up the ante

Air-conditioner handlers and co kitchen cabinets, toilets, French doors, s

Bathroom vanities, especially when they&039;re choice

T takes it all

There&039;s T

T drives by Copper&039;s house

I see T drive by Copper&039;s house

T doesn&039;t turn to look at Copper

Copper doesn&039;t look at T

Copper is sitting

I aht about it?&039;

Copper spits

&039;I appreciate the offer, kid&039;

Copper looks at me

&039;I don&039;t need anybody, kid&039;

I look at Copper

&039;I&039;ve got mine, and I don&039;t need anybody&039;

I look at Copper

&039;Besides, I&039;m home, always ho to be breaking into my place&039;

Copper looks away

&039;Appreciate the offer, though&039;

I look away

&039;You&039;re OK, kid I remember you&039;

I don&039;t remember

&039;But I don&039;t know your buddies, and I don&039;t want them around here&039;

I sit on Copper&039;s porch steps

I look over at the shell across the street

There&039;s T

T drives by Copper&039;s house

I see T drive by Copper&039;s house

T doesn&039;t turn to look at Copper

Copper doesn&039;t look at T

T turns to look at me

T waves at me

I lift my hand and wave back

I watch T drive away

Copper spits

&039;For thataround for a while&039;

I look away

I get up

I walk

I walk

Fetus and I walk

Nobody notices

Nobody cares

Fetus and I walk two days, two nights

Fetus and I find new shells

Fetus and I hunker down

Fetus and I feed in the shells

Fetus and I meet Croak and Shimmy

Croak ith the Tenth Mountain Division, ended up in Afghan istan with the Eighty-second Airborne Shian Province Talk talk talk

We talk shit

Croak and Shimmy show us new shells They call one their FOB

Croak and Shimmy invite us in

Shimmy shows off two assault rifles he&039;s stashed in the FOB, and his walking armory

Wears an assault vest, jaazines, thirty rounds in each hs

Croak and Shi in the FOB

Croak and Shi in

Croak and Shimmy and Fetus and rabs Croak&039;s left ear Coers clean, right there in front of Croak

Croak is shouting again

Shimmy slams the door

We are so out of the FOB

Fetus and I are walking

Fetus and me walk

We walk

We walk

Fetus and me walk more

Fetus andfor er that

Word is there are ambulances outside of Copper&039;s house

Word is Copper had a heart attack

Word is Copper ed to dial 911

Word is the medics showed up two days before the cops did

Word is Copper is in the hospital for two days

Word is Copper is released two days later

Fetus and hts

Nobody notices

Nobody stops to pick us up

Nobody honks their horns

Nobody cares

Fetus andfor me

I see Stout up ahead

Stout meets us

Stout tells Fetus and me about Copper

Word is Copper is released after two days in the hospital

Word is Copper finds his house stripped

Out with the pluas fixtures - hot-water cylinder, the copper pipes, the spouting, the puas lines

T took the lines and the tanks

T never blows a house

Word is T left the upstairs wiring alone

Word is T and his gang demolished the basement and main floor

Word is Copper is up shit&039;s creek without a paddle

I walk

I walk

I walk

Copper sits in his rocker on his porch

I walk to Copper&039;s porch

&039;Mind if I join you?&039;

&039;Suit yourself, kid&039;

Copper&039;s right hand is wrapped around his left wrist

Copper&039;s right arauze between the buttons, where Copper&039;s shirt is open a wee bit

Copper is pale, his eyes filmy and pained

&039;Word is you&039;ve been away&039;

&039;Two days&039;

Copper sits

I sit on the porch steps

Copper sits

I sit

&039;Word is you-&039;

&039;I should have listened to you, kid&039;

We sit on Copper&039;s porch

&039;I&039;ve got to replace everything Plu, hot-water heater - all of it&039;

Copper looks away

&039;I haven&039;t seen you in a while, kid&039;

&039;Went away&039;

&039;Been gone a while&039;

&039;Went with Fetus&039;

&039;You guys, you served together?&039;

&039;Roger that&039;

Copper sits

&039;I could use another pair of eyes, kid&039;

Copper looks at me

&039;Yes, sir&039;

Copper slowly releases his left wrist I can see the white iht hand

I reach up and take Copper&039;s hand

He shakes ht hand back on his left wrist

Copper looks at me

&039;You OK, kid?&039;

Copper looks at ht my hands were cold&039;

I look at Copper

I hear a car co

There&039;s T

T drives by Copper&039;s house

I see T drive by Copper&039;s house

T doesn&039;t turn to look at Copper

Copper doesn&039;t look at T

Copper sits

&039;You stay here on the porch, kid, while I go get soroans

Copper gets up

It takes a few minutes

&039;Wait for oes into his house

I hear him walk, old man steps, into the house

I sit

I sit

I hear Copper&039;s garage door open

I hear Copper&039;s car start up

I see Copper&039;s car pulling out of the driveway

I see Copper looking at me

Copper waves

I wave at Copper

I stand behind Copper&039;s car

Copper pops the trunk

Copper is talking about somebody I don&039;t remember


I don&039;t re upsets Copper

It is Hank

No, it&039;s T

It&039;s what T and his crew do to Hank that breaks Copper

&039;A cat&039; He shook his head &039;Who would do that to a cat?&039;

I lift the bags of groceries out of Copper&039;s car trunk

Copper walks ahead of me, old man steps, slow and deliberate

Copper opens the back door and lets me in

I&039;ve been here before

I can&039;t reroceries

Shelves, pantry, cupboards

All neat, nice

Copper keeps it nice

In the kitchen , a ceran:


I set the groceries on Copper&039;s oak table

I see Copper flinch as he passes the cellar door by the pantry

What the hell?

Copper doesn&039;t flinch; here he is, flinching

I offer to put away the groceries

Copper nods andto the pantry

I offer to pass theo quicker, just to see what he&039;ll say

Copper shakes his head andto the pantry

I press the point

&039;So with that cellar door, Copper?&039;

Copper shoots o flat, watery

I press the point

&039;They took Hank downstairs,&039; he whispers, and his voice splinters

I&039;m sorry

&039;I&039;m sorry&039;

&039;I found hihs, his voice alo there no more&039;

I&039;m sorry

I&039;m sorry

I&039; room

Copper points to the hallall

&039;That quilt, sheon the wall, like a tapestry

&039;My Becca made that&039;

The quilt is made of a street made of cloth

The quilt is hborhood

&039;She was quite the quilter,&039; Copper sighs

The quilt is the neighborhood, as it was

Cloth people are in front of their cloth houses

Cloth Copper is on his cloth rocker on his cloth front porch

I touch cloth Copper

I leave a wet stain on cloth Copper

&039;I better go&039;

I look back at the cloth houses and the cloth Copper and the cloth neighborhood

I look at Copper

He doesn&039;t see the stain

He doesn&039;t so

I have the dreains onboner

I find my uniform across the lobby, andcold

I pop , but I&039;m too late It&039;s cold on McKinley

The subzero temps kiss my dick; the wet bead of blood and jizz on the tip deep- freezes into an instant Santa&039;s cap

My joint blues and splits with a sudden snap, like a log in a splitter

I&039;s to coverrod, but my nuts are in full retreat, my sac hard and taut and wrinkled like a walnut and ht froain

I wake up

It&039;s hoake up every time I sleep the sleep of the dead, which isn&039;t sleep at all, it&039;s reruns

I grope around down there to see if anything&039;s wet

Hand to crotch

Dry as a bone

Dry reruns

I a by T&039;s car

You&039;d think he could smell me

Maybe he can; T won&039;t letrank; I can&039;t tell

I am outside T&039;s car

T is quiet

It&039;s the first time I&039;ve been near T&039;s car since I ca back

T&039;s just chilling, waiting

T&039;s watching Copper, a block away

I&039; down at the sidewalk

As on what&039;s left of the sidewalk, six faded spray-painted letters, now soft as chalk:


Two yellow-orange letters intrude, the colors still vibrant:


That&039;s the best Trapper couldat the sidewalk

T clears his throat

&039;Shit, er lares at the Baker house

&039;You gut so, you leave a mark&039;

&039;Where&039;s everyone?&039; I ask

T looks away

&039;I only see you around here&039;

T smiles

&039;Me and that old fucker,&039; T says


&039;That his name?&039;

&039;What about Jeph?&039;

&039;J? Shit Don&039;t ask&039;

&039;I&039;ers to his face, pinches his eyes