Page 20 (1/2)
Connor Bildeborough didn&039;t feel nervous in the least as he left the familiar and safe, until now, confines of Palmaris behind He had been in the open northland many times in the last months, and was confident he could avoid any trouble froe nuiants, with their dangerous rock-throwing abilities, had becooblins and powries did not ride horses and would never catch Greystone
Even when he set caht, some thirty miles north of the city, the nobleman wasn&039;t concerned He kne to con-ceal himself, and since it was summer, he didn&039;t even need a fire He reclined under the boughs of a bushy spruce, his horse nick-ering softly nearby
The next day and night were much the same Connor avoided the one real road that ran up this way, but he knehere he was going, and found enough level and clear ground to keep the pace swift
On the third day, well over a hundred miles north of Palmaris, he came upon the ruins of a farmhouse and barn, and the tracks in the area told the experienced hunter exactly what had happened: a goblin troupe, a score at least, had co rain and an obscurement of the tracks, for the sky was heavy, Connor was back on his horse at once, fol-lowing the easy trail He caught up to the raiding band late that afternoon, a light rain just beginning to fall While Connor was glad to see that it was indeed only goblins, their numbers were twice his esti with some measure of discipline The nobleht it prudent to follow them If what he suspected, if what the ruht lead hie in the area
He rested within half a oblin encaht, he dared to sneak close to the periain impressed by the professionalism shown by the noret close enough to hear pieces of various conversations, coiants had gone home and the powries were too concerned with their oelfare to worry about any goblins
Then Connor listened with great interest as a pair of goblins argued about their destination One wanted to go north, to the encampment at the tns - Caer Tinella and Landsdown, Connor realized
"Argh!"the other scolded "Yer knowin&039; that Kos-kosio&039;s dead and gone, and so&039;s Maiyer Dek! Ain&039;t nothing up there but that Nightbird and his killers! The towns&039;re all but lost, ye fool, and gettin&039; hit with balls o&039; fire every day!"
A smile widened on Connor&039;s face He went back to his ied to steal a few hours&039; sleep, but was up and ready to go well before the dawn He fol-lowed the goblin troupe again, thinking to side to the ith them, just in case, then turn back to explore the area near Caer Tinella and Landsdown
The rain was back, heavier this day, but Connor hardly cared
They took their rest under the shelter of the buildings, using the well, and they did indeed find fresh eggs and fresh on in the barn, and oxen to pull it, some whetstones to hone their blades and a pitchfork, which Toiant Roger, snooping about every corner of the barn, found a thin but strong rope and a sh that he could carry it without trouble He had no idea what he on froees left the farht, they were refreshed and ready for the last leg of their flight to safety
As usual, Roger and Juravielthe lower branches of the trees, the tireless young Roger running a sweeping arc, always alert, always looking for signs of danger
"You did well today," Juraviel said unexpectedly, catching Roger off his guard
The young man looked up at the elf curiously The two hadn&039;t spoken er, other than to agree to plans for their co routes
"After you spotted the farave to you without question," the elf explained
"What was I to do?"
"You could have argued," the elf replied "Indeed, the Roger Lockless I firstwith the caravan as a slight to his abilities, would have grumbled and com-plained and probably run off to the farer Lockless I first htbird and the others with the news, not until he had first had his ith the powries and the goblins"
Roger considered the words for a ree with the assessoaded hiered fun, perhaps But that course had screaer, not sonot so far behind Even if he hadn&039;t been caught - which seeht have been inside - he ht have had to lie low and stay put, and thus the caravan would not have been warned in tiht have ensued
"You understand, of course," the elf went on
"I knohat I did," Roger replied curtly
"And you know that you did well," Juraviel said, and then, with a sly ser&039;s eyes narrowed as he snapped his angry gaze over the elf; he certainly didn&039;t need to be re sh, put his pride in its proper place Roger knew then that they had co, he and this elf The lesson had taken, he had to ader than his own life, and thus he had to accept directions frolare, and even rin
Juraviel perked up his ears suddenly, his eyes darting to the side
"An approach," he said, and then he was gone, slipping into the tree cover so quickly that Roger blinkedcover He spotted the "approach" soon after, and relaxed when he recognized the source, a wo He startled her so much when he stepped out froer into his chest
"Soroup of ene west, south of our position"
"How strong?"
"There are quite a feo score, perhaps," she answered"
"And what manner of enemies?" came a question froh she knew she would not catch a glihtbird Few of the ad-vance scouts had seen Juraviel, though all had heard his melodic voice frooblins"
"Back to your place, then," the elf bade her "Find the next in line, and he, the next in line, that all the scouts are linked, that word can be passed quickly"
The woer offered as Juraviel ca at hihtbird to prepare a surprise," he instructed Roger
"By Nightbird&039;s oords, we are not to engage," Roger argued
"Just goblins," Juraviel replied "And if they are part of a larger band, theyus, and thus should be defeated quickly Tell Nightbird that I insist we attack"
Roger looked long and hard at the elf, and for a ht he would refuse the order And that was exactly what Roger was thinking The young h, nodded and ran off
"And Roger," Juraviel called, stopping hiard the elf
"Tell Nightbird that this was your plan," Juraviel said "And that I approve cooblins fast and hard The plan is yours to claier protested
"Would it?" asked the elf "When you heard of the goblins, did you not first think that we should attack? Was it not only your obe-dience to the words of the ranger that stopped you fro man pursed his lips as he considered the words, the si," Juraviel explained "You have proven repeatedly that your opinion in these htbird understands this, as does Pony, as do I"
Again Roger turned and sped off, and this ti in his step
"My baby!" the wo of you!"
"Duh?" one goblin asked its leader, scratching its head at the un-expected voice This band had come frouage of the land Froh words to understand the general oblin leader saw its band shuffling anxiously They were thirsty for blood, though in no mood for any real battle, and now, delivered into their hands, it seemed, was an easy kill The overcast had finally broken, and a bright full ht
"Please," the unseen woman went on "They are all just children"
That was all the goblins could stand Before the leader of the band even gave the word, they were off and running into the forest, each wanting to be the first to claim a kill
Another cry caoblins continued their blind charge, crashing through the brush, tripping over roots, but scra on Eventually they all ca, bordered on the back by a tumble of boulders, on the left by a stand of pines, and on the right by an equally thick mix of oak and maple
From somewhere behind those pines came the woman&039;s voice, but now it did not see hard,
Delivering songs unto the bards
For in your folly you&039;ve cooblin asked its leader again
Another voice, melodious and clear, the voice of an elf, picked up the impromptu tune from somewhere within the shadows of the oak
Dies froic woven, the toll is paid
For every person who at your hands
Was murdered e, we cleanse the night,
That dawn ht
More verses ca, and laughter followed sooblins Finally a resonating, powerful voice joined in, in a tone calm and deathly serious, and all the forest went quiet, as if to hear the words:
By your own evil have you brought this hour,
And by ment is passed,
We cut you down unto the last
As he finished, theblack stallion out from the shadows behind the boulders, in plain view of the stunned goblins