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Satan appeared tothrough thatarea near the Orange Julius stand (technically, it was Cinnabon&039;s property) and I was relaxing and pondering where to go next-Nordstroo without for the perfect accessory And there was the gestating baby to consider; it wasn&039;t a minute too soon to try to counteract the Ant&039;s tacky taste
Suddenly, there she was, sitting across from me The devil Satan The lord of lies And it wasn&039;t any big shock-I&039;d known it would be cos you just know, the way you just know you shouldn&039;t wear true black mascara because it makes your eyes look small and squinty
The devil, in case you ever wanted to know, is a woray suit that buttoned up the front and looked almost military, black panty hose, and plain black pumps Her hair was a rich chocolate broith steaks of silver at the teant bun Her eyes were very black Her ears weren&039;t pierced; in fact, the devil wore no jewelry at all
She studied me from across the table for a few moments Finally she said, "You are the vauessed she wasn&039;t taking a poll I wiped my mouth "Uh yeah"
"Elizabeth Taylor"
"Yes" Froain then looked one more time What I had first taken for plain black puer Vivier comma heels Vivier customized footwear for celebrities; his shoes were literally one of a kind Queen Elizabeth had worn a pair to her coronation I was looking at hand-tooled shoes with garnets in the heels
Circa 1962 Only sixteen pairs were ear
"Wh-where did you get those?"
The devil gave me a wintry smile "Would you like them?"
Yes! No Would I sell my soul for shoes? Of course not The very idea was absurd And the gleaarnets didn&039;t call toain at any no!
"And you are half sibling toStar?"
"What? Oh, you uess &039;Spawn of Satan&039; didn&039;t have as nice a ring to it"
The devil had a superb poker face "The Book You shouldn&039;t have tried to destroy it"
Tried to? One thing at a ti else in the library"
"That sort of thing could be considered blasphee Catholic&039;s reaction if the Pope threw a first-edition Bible into the Mississippi River Now consider the e you just sent to your servants"
"They aren&039;t et back on topic? You were asking about Laura? Thanks sous at Scratch, by the way"
"I&039;m more of a watcher than a doer," Satan admitted "Besides, I knew the two of you would prevail In fact, the two of you combined are virtually unstoppable Virtually"
"Yeha, yeah"
This was the devil The devil! The worst creature in the whole universe The reason people killed their husbands and ran over little kids in the road and drank too s and raped and murdered and lied and cheated and stole So I admit I was a bit cautious, even if the devil did look weirdly like Lena Olin
"He still loves you, you know"