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I took another slurp of ars) and stuck out reat Hell, they could be froreat Quality costs and it lasts, too
Marc Spangler, one ofI withdrewbefore he tripped and brained himself on the microwave He looked like pan-fried hell, which was to say, he looked like he just caency ward physician, I&039;ve discovered that your average doc coreeted hi the janitor?"
"Another hard night suckering poor slobs out of their precious lifeblood?"
"Yep," we both said
He poured hilass of milk and sat down across froet it I&039;et off on it secondhand &039;Ooh, ooh, Marc, make sure you smear the butter allllll over the bread now let me smell it don&039;t you want soained seven pounds since I moved in, you cow"
"You should have more respect for the dead," I said solemnly, and we both cracked up
"God, what a day," he said His hair was growing in nicely (he&039;d gone through a head-shaving phase this past sumreen eyes I wished e oon water
"Death? Bloodletting? Gang war?" Unlikely in Minnesota, but he looked pretty whipped
"No, the fucking adain" He rubbed his eyebrows "Every ti curve Then e&039;ve figured out who has to sign what and in what order, they change theain You know, in the name of efficiency"
"That blows," I said sympathetically
"What about you, what&039;d you do? Chohts you didn&039;t bother to get anything to eat?"
"The second one Oh, and I crashed an AA e for a milk refill and froze like I&039;d yelled "I see a Republican!"
"You did what?"
"Crashed an AADid you know they film those now?"
"They what?"
"I was kind of nervous because I didn&039;t know if I&039;d have to, y&039;know, prove I was a drunk or if they&039;d take my word for it, or if I needed a note fro, and it was kind of weird with the caest look Usually I got that look from Sinclair "It doesn&039;t work like that"
"Yeah, I know, I found out Really nice bunch of people Kind of juh"
"Reporter-" He shook his head "But Betsy why did you go?"
"Isn&039;t it obvious?" I asked, a little irritably Marc was usually sharper than this "I drink blood"
"And did it work?" he asked with exaggerated concern
"No, dihts freaked o back" I took another gulp of tea Needed ht Maybe they don&039;t teach you the trick until you&039;ve gone a few tihed, but not like he thought what I&039;d said was funny "But you could try that, see how that works"
"What&039;s your dae? Maybe you should have a drink," I joked
"I&039; alcoholic"
"Oh, you are not"
"Betsy I a panic Sure, I hadn&039;t known Marc as long as I&039;d known, say, Jessica, but still You&039;d think he would have brought soh!-maybe he had, and I&039;d been so obsessed with the events of the past sixit correctly "I never told you before"
"Well, I I guess I should have noticed" I could put away a case of plum wine a month, and Jessica liked her daiquiris, and Sinclair went through grasshoppers like there was gonna be a cr��, he drank like a girl), but I&039;d never noticed how Marc always stuck to milk Or juice Or water