Page 22 (2/2)
"We can talk to Constance for help getting rid of them," Diana offered "If that's e decide to do" Melanie's great-aunt Constance had been helping the Circle with their ic Since she'd tapped into her powers to nurse Cassie'sto share her knowledge of the old ways
"Constance probably knows a spell we can use," Diana said "And with Black John gone for good, I bet she'll agree it's time to put the Tools to rest"
Cassie could see Diana felt strongly about this As did Faye - that faer had snuck its way into her sharp features
"We should take a vote," a strong voice called out It belonged to Nick, who rarely spoke at Circle s
Hearing hiuard
"Nick's right," Melanie said "We should all have equal say in a decision so important"
Diana nodded "I'm fine with that"
Faye draroup "Vote then," she said, with the confidence of someone who'd already won
Melanie stood and stepped to the center of the room
She always called out Circle votes, Cassie noticed "All those in favor of destroying the Master Tools," she said,
"raise your hands"
Diana's hand went up first, followed by Melanie's own, then Laurel's After a second long pause, Nick raised his, and then finally Adam
Cassie couldn't believe it Adah she knew he'd rather experiment with the Tools
"All those in favor of keeping the Tools," Melanie said,
"raise your - "
"Wait," Cassie called out She'd gotten distracted and lost the chance to choose Diana's side
Faye laughed "You snooze, you lose, Cassie And a vote against Diana is a vote for me"
"Wrong," Cassie said, surprising herself as she said it
"It's a vote for me"
She paused to look at Ada proudly
"I propose a third option," she said "We keep the Tools, in case we need them We don't destroy their power, but we also don't experiment with them"
"In that case," Faye said, "I'd be happy to keep the Tools safe until we need them"
"Not a chance," Adam said
Cassie raised her hand "I wasn't finished" She eyed Faye and then Diana "I propose that each leader hide one of the three relics, so they can only be used if the whole group knows about it"
Everyone got quiet then, as they mulled over this new possibility in their minds
It was a good idea, and Cassie knew it What she didn't knoas how she'd coht there on the spot like that When she took control of the floor, she hadn't had the slightest idea what she was going to say
Diana spoke first "That does seem like a fair compromise," she said "Melanie, I call for a revote"
"I second the call for a revote," Nick said gall antly
Melanie raised her eyebrows "Okay then All those in favor ofCassie's idea, raise your hands" All hands went up, except for Deborah's, Suzan's, and Faye's
"It's decided then," Melanie said
Faye stood perfectly still She didn't move a muscle, but a dark shadow fell over her face
Suzan bounced out of her chair "Oh, well," she said "I guess that's that I'o eat now?"
"Yeah, let's go get tacos," Sean said
One by one, everyone stood up and began gathering their things, talking about reat-aunt Constance's later to practice their invocations Diana snuffed out the candles and turned down the lanterns All the while, Faye remained motionless
"You," she said
Instinctively, Cassie took a step back even though Faye was across the room
"Don't be too proud of yourself" She sauntered over to Cassie and leaned in close Cassie could smell her heady perfume, and it made her dizzy "You may have won the battle," Faye said "Butwell, you know" Cassie dreay froot the best of her every time Faye threatened her Whether or not Faye was actually stronger was beside the point She had the singleness of mind of a sociopath and a complete lack of conscience Faye couldn't be reasoned with, and that hat erous
"We're on the sa"
Faye narrowed her honey-colored eyes "Not really," she said "Not yet, anyway"
It sounded like a threat, and Cassie knew Faye never made an empty threat