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Chapter One
The cold press of keys in Lady Adeline’s paliven,for the first time in her twenty-one years Anticipation and nerves cascaded through her in equalin a manner that was improper, potentially ruinous, and without any doubt, utterly scandalous
Tonight she would decide her own future—an acknowledged extraordinary feat—and take a very bold step to ensure the gentleman she would marry was the man she deeply cared for and respected—Mr Ja liberties he had no right to—the Earl of Vale
“Thank you,” Adel said softly to her dearest friend, Lady Evelyn—Evie to her close inti her in this escapade; surely her nerves would have deserted her if she acted alone
Evie leaned in close “Ree for mother to enter his chamber very soon”
Adel nodded “Hoill you convince her to intrude on Mr Atwood’s privacy?”
“I urge you not to worry about the how I know Mamma, and with a fehispers, I will make certain the chamber doors are opened at the opportunewith excitement Or mayhap it was trepidation?
Adel buried a groan, flicking an invisible piece of lint froloves “This plan of ours smacks of recklessness”
An unladylike snort sounded “Do you want to be the Countess of Vale?”
Not even if she was to be drawn and quartered The earl was a repugnant reprobate, and a conceited ass She would much prefer a quiet life in the country with a man she liked and respected, than the po a countess to a er stepsisters whom she adored, ould benefit at their debuts, if Adel was a countess Even with that added incentive, it was distressing to iine a life as Lady Vale
“No, I want to be Mrs Atwood” Though Adel felt no shivering excite the lady of her own hoer live by the capricious whim of her stepmother, and best of all, never have to endure another year of a failed season
“Then let’s dispense with the fear,” Evie said with an encouraging smile
Adel cared little for society’s censure and opinions, being so far re most of the year in Somerset at her father’s modest but well-kept manor However, Mr Atwood had reh society’s opinion “What if Mr Atwood is outraged at ested we elope, he adamantly and most earnestly refused”
Evie gripped her hand “He wants to marry you, very much, and if you do not act, you will endure a lifetime of pain as the earl’s wife I would daresay you and Mr Atill be the only love ossips should not prevent such a union It is not as if you have any intention of ossip in the country is nonexistent I ih, to ensure you are not in a terrible state of dishabille We want a bit of a stir, not a full blown scandal”