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I can’t believe we’ve come this far

Logan claspsrose-filled labyrinth to a fountain at the center I’ve never seen before

It’s springti new life with such fresh eyes before Logan’s hand isn’t enough contact for le as we head toward the stone benches beside the sun-dappled fountain

“I’ve never been so happy in an’s shoulder His heat seeps into me and prickles rise on my skin I’m so attuned to him I never kneo people could be so in sync

He boardsently at first, then with greater intensity My nipples rise and arousal trickles through me

I sigh into his an” A prayer A plea

He wraps his arht “I was so terrified I’d lose you” His voice is thick

I press close,his as I lift an Wulfe Nothing on this earth can part us”

I go up on ht before our lips can make contact, out of nowhere—

“Wha—?” I cry out as the rosebush to my left suddenly shoots out a viney thorn branch that wraps around my neck

Another shoots out and wraps aroundmy arms to my chest

Before I knohat’s happening, I’an

The thorns pierce h the air

Logan’sfor et to me, but it’s like there’s an invisible barrier between us And I know deep in ht for th

I reach for him, but more thorny branches pierce my skin

“Please,” I screaain!”

But I’m smothered as I’m yanked into the labyrinthine bushes and then sed up by the ground

Buried alive