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"But ould we kiss?" Emma wondered
"We'll rab her newest notebook frohtstand This one featured a pair of pink toe shoes on the cover "We'll write down all the boys we know, then which ones we think ht be okay to kiss And why or why not "
"That doesn't really sound romantic "
Parker gave Emma a small smile "We have to start somewhere, and lists always help Now, I don't think we can use relatives Iof her brother, "or either of Emma's brothers Besides, Emma's brothers are way too old "
She opened the book to a fresh page "So - "
"Soue in your mouth "
Mac's stateles
Parker slid off the bed to sit on the floor beside Emma "Okay, after we make the master list, we can divide it Yes and No Then we pick froet the boy we pick to kiss us, we have to tell what it was like And if he puts his tongue in your mouth, we have to knohat that's like "
"What if we pick one and he doesn't want to kiss us?"
"Eoing to want to kiss you for sure You're really pretty, and you talk to theet all stupid around boys, but you don't Plus you're starting to get breasts "
"Boys like breasts," Mac said wisely "Anyway, if he won't kiss you, you just kiss hi a deal anyway "
Eht it was, or should be
But they wrote down the list, and just the act of it h Laurel and Mac acted out how one boy or anotheron the floor until Mr Fish, the cat, stalked out of the bedroo room Parker tucked the notebook ahen Mrs Grady ca Girl Band had theh Parker's closet and dressers to find the right pieces for stage gear
They fell asleep on the floor, across the bed Curled up, sprawled out Elow of Parker's night-light, and the streah her s
Soht blanket and tucked a pillow under her head Someone always did when they had sleepovers
Thestill, she walked to the terrace doors and out Cool air, scented by roses, brushed her cheeks
She looked out over the silver-edged gardens where spring lived in soft colors, sweet shapes She could al the roses and azaleas, the peonies that still held their petals and perfuht balls
She could almost see the shape of her partner, the one who spun her in the dance The waltz, she thought with a sigh It should be a waltz, like in a storybook
That was roht air One day, she promised herself, she'd knohat it was like