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Mian’s name is pronounced


The Beginning

In 1812, Ada his wife and three children destitute It was four years following Adam’s death when Louis Wilde encountered Adam and Amelia’s oldest son Alexander’s reckless atte from the home of politician John Sullivan had been witnessed by Wilde

But Louis didn’t turn in Alexander

Instead, he paid hi

And then paid him for his silence

Duty of Knighthood

The Knight is responsible for the well-being of each descendant of Adam He will be known as the Bandit

The Knight can only be the Bandit

The Knight will keep a record of every job, bribe, and client in the book

The Knight will never sell secrets

The Knight will never sell silence

The Knight will protect the book

The Knight will produce a acy

If the Knight fails in his duty to produce an heir, poill revert to the next eligible descendant of Alexander

The Knight and descendants of Adam shall treat these rules as law

Should the Knight break these rules, with the exception of producing an heir, his life will be forfeited, and poill be inherited by his executioner

Chapter One


Three Years Ago

I CAN STILL feel the butterflies