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Chapter One
When I was in eleirl na everyone not to eat yello
It was pretty coht about in a long tiht, I think of Rachel and what she’d say about all this red snow
Murder always looks so much messier in wintertime
Sighing with a strange sense of discontent, I look down at the lowlife I puun into the back of my waistband
I wasn’t supposed to shoot him out here It was supposed to be nice and simple—shoot him while he slept and leave the mess for someone else to deal with—but the fucker sensed me in the room with him and woke up Naturally, he didn’t just lay there in bed and let me shoot him, so I had to chase his ass outside
Now I’ve got a ue to help clean it up, since I didn’t account for a chase or the need for clean-up on this job
How annoying
Figuring there’s little sense draggingthis shit up and loading Frank’s heavy-ass body into the trunk of my car
It’s cold as hell out tonight The bitter wind blows so hard I can’t feel my face
The inside of ine off before I went to take care of Frank, but it’s still a shelter froet inside
What a nasty night I’d sure hate to be stuck out in this
I fire up the engine and blast the heat, then I head for a disposal site I wasn’t planning to use tonight