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Chapter 1RagnarIt’s way godda around with a hard-on half the day
It’s been a o today this shit started
I stepped out of Josephine’s Bar and Grill, with a double rand exhaust, as a faded orange and white VW Bus ca down Main Street
I knew i that creamsicle wasn’t local The Badlands aren’t so s I’d remember
I stood there in the early Septe that perfect fall scent, and watched as the bus puffed and lurched down to Mackie’s Garage and pulled in
My Ford F250 was parked on the street in that direction, and before I knew itme forward
And that’s when it happened
The thing I’ve been dreading my whole life
The thing I hoped beyond hope wouldn’t happen to me
I saw my mate
It was just like everyone always said You go along, nothing, nothing, nothing, thinking you’re going to be the anooes their whole life without finding their one The one in a hundred generations that soene
The one shifter I’d hoped I’d be
Fuck No chance She hit reed and need, and just like that a fire of possessiveness and rage lit inside ofmy mate
Since then, I’ve turned into a fucking maniac And so has my dick
Running into her a few ti, even at runt and turn away aswhat all three of us know to be true
She’s the one