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Chapter One
Jase Nicholas was not an angrybothered him, he’d either retreat to his office and pace the floor, or he’d go outside for a long ith his head bowed and his fists clenched in his pockets And he wasn’t big on revenge: he cared etting even
Whenever soed him, he’d usually focus on the positive side, turn the situation around, and h this was one of his best attributes, it was also one of his biggest vulnerabilities
Forgiveness was the way Jase handled Angus Bernie, the vicious old guy who lived at the end of his property in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, when Angus tried to take control of the easement road that led to Jase’s hoinal survey of the property, Jase hired Philadelphia attorneys to validate the easeain access to his property Then, instead of fighting Angus in court and draining Angus’s bank account, which would have been sie suus’s set rid of the negative energy And he even walked to the end of the easeus moved out to personally shake his hand and wish him well
Whenever Jase and his husband, Luis, had an argu
Jase never tried to get even and he never shut Luis out with silent treatize to Luis first, or Luis would apologize to Jase first, and they’d make love And since Jase’s child, Hunter, had come into their lives, they’d been forced to deal with certain situations all new parents have to face They were learning there wasn’t always a si a child, especially after Jase’s grandmother, Isabelle, went back to Alaska the previous Septe with Hunter’s needs, conflicts seemed to arise that neither one of them could have predicted
About a us Bernie moved out of the little stone house at the end of the driveway, Luis decided to discuss two ioing to react They’d recently returned fro Easter with Jase’s family in Alaska and they were upstairs in their bedrooht and their eyelids were already drooping
Hunter was in his roo, a Chinese crested nah Luis’s and Jase’s bedroom door was locked for privacy, they could see and hear every sound in Hunter’s room thanks to the nannycarandmother went back to Alaska
Luis reached down and ran his palh “Can we talk about so?” he asked
They were stretched out on the sofa in their underwear Jase earing the tight black boxer briefs that ainst the arm of the sofa
Luis wore black ainst Jase’s chest When his palh, Jase wrapped his arhter
“What do you want to talk about?” Jase asked They atching the Hoaze was fixed on the TV screen One of his older inventions, a hoht and he wanted to see hoas selling