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MONDAY SEVEN AM on a cold, foggy day in London a breakfastheld by a powerful consortiuroup of three ist otherwise known as the Black Sheikh, thanks to his discovery of vast oil lakes beneath the desert sands of Kareshi Concealed lighting was set at the perfect level for reading the fine print on a contract, and the surroundings were su Sheikh of Kareshi in his London hohly the sae, that was to say, thirty-two One was a Spaniard, and the other owned an island off southern Italy All three iants in the world of coa bandied about The atmosphere was tense
‘A dialamorous Count Roman Quisvada remarked
‘Diamonds were discovered in the Canadian Arctic so back ‘Why not the European Arctic, my friend?’
All three land, and, although they had all gone on to make individual fortunes, they were bound by friendship and trusted each other implicitly
‘My first pass over the findings suggests this discovery by Skavanga Mining could be even larger than we suspected,’ Sharif went on, pushing some documents across the table to the other two men
‘And I hear that Skavanga boasts three sisters who have becouesSpaniard coe with a blade as sharp as a scalpel
‘I’ll tell you what I know, Raffa,’ the sheikh promised his friend, better known as Don Rafael de Leon, Duke of Cantalabria, a ion of Spain
Count Roman Quisvada also sat forward Roman was an expert in dia and polishing high-value stones, while Raffa owned the world’s largest and h-end retail jewellers The Black Sheikh, the Italian count, and the Spanish duke had the diamond business sewn up
There was just one loose end, Sharif reflected, and that was a co Owned by the three sisters, Britt, Eva and Leila Skavanga, along with the girls’ absentee brother, Tyr, Skavanga Mining had reported the discovery of the largest dia to Skavanga to check out these reports for himself
While he was there he would check out Britt Skavanga, the oldest sister, as currently running the coraph towards hirey eyes, firmher A deal with the added spice of down time in the bedroom held obvious appeal There was no sentiment in business and he certainly wasted none on women