Page 15 (2/2)

According to Troy, he's tried several times to buy them out, but it never worked He's annoyed with theht now Instead, he sends me with a check that can let this farmer retire and live an easy life

Grabbing ht to the car rental hub Everything's already been set up for ht to the farm

I want this done as soon as possible The sooner it's over, the sooner I can leave Tossinginto the back, I drive the fortythe exit, it looks the same, but different, if that makes any sense

There are remnants of my childhood mixed with open lots and modern updates Market Square is still here, but the little strip that used to have a coffee shop, a pet store, and an ice cream parlor is e s with a few places that were able to hang on

Just get to the faret this over with

I leave the center of town The far to is a place I knoell My step-father didn't tell reed

Jamison's Farm

I almost couldn't breathe when he said it, but it's a place he's wanted for years and just hasn't been able to coood enough It wasn't enough back then, it wasn't six years ago, or even two years ago

But I'll h today

This tiest offer he's ever given for a plot of land He wants this bad, and today I' it to him

Mr Ja too old to keep this up I know this offer will be enough to put pen to paper

The sign co, the words are almost unreadable The apples painted on the wood are faded to a pinkish white, and the vegetables painted on have all bled together to create one giant blob

My tires spit as I turn into the sand parking lot Parking, I sit in ather myself The second I turned in I was hit with a rush of