Looks can be deceiving I knew thatand strong body it covered and decided I was a brawler…a bruiser…a beast However, I was hardwired to be a thinker, not a fighter--est weakness I should have chosen to use uys, a hero, a nity and soldto dance with the devil, instead I couldn’t figure out how to help myself, so there was zero chance I kne to save someone else That someone else was Noe Lee She was the unkempt, unruly thief as just as sly adorable beneath the dirt and grime and she was in trouble In way over her head, I toldIn the Point, it was sink or swiuard on duty I had shut the door in her face, but now she’s gone…vanished…disappeared without a trace It took less than a second for me to realize that I wanted her back When a wos you’reher hoet…and with a ained for