
Fantasy 200K Active
Author: Garth Nix
Latest: Page 40
Time: 2023-09-01

The Ninth was strong and fought with ht Broken in two and buried under hill Forever to lie there, wishing us ill So says the song But Orannis, the Destroyer, is no longer buried under hill It has been freed from its subterranean prison and now seeks to escape the silver he of its terrible powers Only Lirael, newly co, has any chance of stopping the Destroyer She and her coet -- have to take that chance For the Destroyer is the eneh Lirael does not kno Tothe Destroyer, as are the necroe and the Greater Dead Chlorr, and there has been no word fro depends upon Lirael A heavy, perhaps even io was merely a Second Assistant Librarian With only a vision frouide her, and the rather mixed help of her companions, Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the Destroyer Before it is too late
