Safe with Me

Romance 130K Active
Safe with Me
Author: Kristen Proby
Latest: Page 63
Time: 2023-08-31

Keeping others safe is what Caleb Montgonerous SEAL days or his ned to keep Brynna Vincent and her adorable daughters, Maddie and Josie, safe from an unknown threat has thrown Caleb off his axis Hot for the tall brunette since she ca close to her day in and day out is cracking Caleb&39;s resolve to keep his hands off her gorgeous body and his head in theafraid All she wants is a norirls Just as she&39;s settling into her new hoain, Caleb shows up on her doorstep insisting the danger is as high as ever But whether she needs to be sheltered from the threat in her past, or from the intense e in her hoirls fall in love with a er that threatens, much less himself?" SAFE WITH ME is the fifth book in the With Me In Seattle series, and continues to follow this tight-knit, loving fah life&39;s trials and tribulations with hu love
