Pebble in the Sky

Science Fiction 160K Active
Pebble in the Sky
Author: Isaac Asimov
Latest: Page 22
Time: 2023-08-31

Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire 3) One o, 1949 The next he&39;s a helpless stranger on Earth during the heyday of the first Galactic Empire Earth, as he soon learns, is a backwater, just a "pebble in the sky", despised by all the other 200 million planets of the Einal horeat areas of radioactivity ruining much of its soil--so poor that everyone is sentenced to death at the age of sixty to conserve resources Joseph Schwartz is sixty-two This is the young Isaac Asimov&39;s first novel, full of wonders and ideas, the book that launched the novels of the Galactic Ee SF at its finest
