Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane

Author: Suzanne Collins
Latest: Page 27
Time: 2023-08-31
Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (Underland Chronicles 2) The action and adventure continue for Gregor in this stunning fantasy froer Gaor swears he will never return to the Underland, that strange world belo York City But he is a key player in another prophecy, this one about an ominous white rat called the Bane The Underlanders know there is only one way to lure Gregor back to their world: by kidnapping his little sister, Boots Now Gregor&39;s quest reunites him with his bat, Ares, and the rebellious princess Luxa They descend into the dangerous Waterway in search of the Bane If Gregor does not fulfill the prophecy, his life, and the Underland, will never be the same