Come Alive

Fantasy 170K Active
Come Alive
Author: Karina Halle
Latest: Page 44
Time: 2023-08-31

Co to bring the woman you love back into your life It’s another to try and keep her there For Dex Foray, con­vinc­ing Perry Palo rela­tion­ship has been hosts, bat­tling de Sasquatch com­bined Add in the fact that the only way they can keep their Exper­i­ is to take on a third part­ner in the form of the mys­te­ri­ous Max­i a sin­is­ter voodoo sect in New Orleans -- and you’ve got the per­fect South­ern storm and a recipe for dis­as­ter Luck­ily, Dex has never been one to back down, even when his life –and heart -- are on the line
