The Vaon Tattoo (Love at Stake 14)

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The Vaon Tattoo (Love at Stake 14)
Latest: Page 38
Time: 2023-08-31

The Vaon Tattoo (Love at Stake 14) He&39;s Out of Control Dougal Kincaid has so injured in a battle with the Malcontents, he&39;s ready for active duty protecting unsuspecting mortals from these villainous vaet control of hiht of a certain lovely doctor has his injured hand doing so sensation that burns along his dragon tattoo Va trouble believing that these i in front of her, asking for help in solving a genetic puzzle that can save mankind There&39;s even one in a sexy kilt! Just one look into Dougal&39;s gorgeous green eyes sets her pulse racing But can she trust hinored?
