Breaking Free (Masters of the Shadowlands 3)

Beth ive up control The last thing she wants is a ruthless, powerful Doets, and exactly what she needs A sadistic husband left Beth scarred, inside and out Only at the Shadowlands BDSM club does she feel like a woman But her fears limit her to Doms on&39;t overwhelm her? the very ones who cannot arouse her The Master of the Shadowlands gives her an ultins or lose herBeth wants is a ruthless, powerful Doets Asked to take on a probleh truly submissive, the little redhead is too scared to relinquish control and her Doht now As Master Nolan takes Beth under co her subs her pleasure, not pain His only demand is that she never lie to hiins to heal As he pushes her limits, she learns to trustand then to love And she realizes he is beginning to care for her in return But now her cruel husband has found her, and Master Nolan discovers she&39;s been lying and lying and lying Publisher&39;s Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, BDSM the, do); exhibitionise, violence