Midnight Mass
Vampires have always lived in Eastern Europe But with the fall of the Soviet Union, they began to spread across the continent, then the world, turning whole populations into va overrun India, the far East, and the great cities of North and South A into the countryside to consolidate their conquest In a town on the New Jersey shore, the va with their human henchmen, the cowboys, who round up human cattle for the overlords in return for the promise of eternal life---later For the vampires wish only a few of their own kind to rule, and feed The rest of humanity are to be helpless herds, the source of the blood of life Falsely accused of abuse, Father Joe is drunk in a base for the end His superior has betrayed the local Catholic congregation and become a vampire Sister Carole has become a formidable killer of cowboys and vampires Dan&39;s niece, escaped from the conquest of New York, has ether by Rabbi Zev Wolpin, who is shaken by the vampires&39; fear of the cross and holy water, they plan their resistance Against all odds, they discover that there just ht back