Dog Blood (Hater 2)

Horror 180K Active
Dog Blood (Hater 2)
Author: David Moody
Latest: Page 42
Time: 2023-08-30

Dog Blood (Hater 2) The world has suffered a catastrophe of unknown cause, dividing huroup believes the other to be the eneether can the enemy – whoever that enemy is – be defeated There are no other choices Danny McCoyne has hting and killing, he is deter of any value to hihter Ellis Unlike his wife and son, Ellis is like him, and he knows, in his heart of hearts, that she is not dead His dearest wish is for Ellis to be fighting for the world at his side – but Danny soon discovers his daughter is worth farbody Others like him have discovered that children are absolutely vital to the cause They are strong, small, fast, and they have no inhibitions They are pure Haters
